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Career Minded, Headed For Success!

By 2003 I had experienced a variety of J-O-B-S... Clock in and clock out type situations. Overtime the family would come into town I had to be the one who was too "busy working" to spend time with them, while I paid for my wife and children to go have fun, I got to go to work. My joy was being sapped...

About that time a dear family friend gave me a lesson in values. "What is more important, what is more valuable... Money? or Time?" I would go on to answer, "Money." I was wrong. "Only a slave doesn't own his time."

SO I had enough, I wanted to OWN MY TIME and stop worrying about how much was in the next paycheck. After starting a few different types of businesses I began to notice something. All the business owners I knew had extra materials just laying around. My block mason friends had a ton of blocks just laying around on pallets around their shop. My plumber friends had a ton of pipe. That was the material of their business, it made sense they would have extra. Then a shot rang through my mind, What if the material you worked with was MONEY?! Logic would say you would have a ton of it just laying around!

So in 2007, I began working in the finance industry. Now I have pallets of money sitting around my money bin and I take the occasional dip in my gold coins! Not really. However, I have found that working with money is very lucrative. You can be honest, helpful and make a very very good living. You just need the right niche and the right frame of mind. You have to stop thinking in terms of "clocking in" or getting paid by the hour. Don't sell yourself so short. Many financial service companies are now actively searching for career minded individuals. Look for a company that will train you, support you and place you in your own personal marketplace. Look for one that will provide leads and paid one on one training. Commit and don't look back!

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About the Author

Jacob Parvu, Dragon Financial Services
155 Cranes Roost Blvd Ste 2040
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701

Contact Author: request info

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