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Learn to Become Happy and Successful

The following are just two of the many ways to teach yourself to be happy:

- Find something you love doing;

- Be yourself while you do it!

The best advice that I can give one of my readers has been said a million times in the past. But, you have no idea how powerful this simple step is until all those things you've always wanted come to fruition: stay positive!

Once you have perfected positivity, the next step is to figure out what you need, then figure out what you like, then figure out what you want. If you don't have what you need yet, work on your needs first! Afterword, figure out your likes and wants and write out step-by-step what you need to do in order to achieve those things you've always desired.

Remember, you should be making that step-by-step outline now, not in the future when you have time. The only time you know you have is now. Make the most of every second of every day. Make today count! Once you have done all of this, just rinse and repeat! Always be re-evaluating what you need, like, and want.

If you need more money, this can be a life saver! Go through the things you have that you used to need, like, or want, if you don't any more, why keep them? Sell them! Go through your expenses one-by-one and figure out what you can reduce, or eliminate completely to have more money in your pocket today! Then you can figure out exactly what is the minimum amount of money you need in order to survive each month, and how much you can invest or save. To go one step further, I highly recommend understanding the meaning of Passive Income and finding and taking advantage of ways to make passive income!

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About the Author

Adam Faigen, PFA
650 Hungerford Dr. Suite 201
Rockville, MD 20850

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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