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Spring Cleaning Your Finances

As Spring approaches, many of us look forward to some thorough Spring cleaning. Most often we forget a major area, our finances! The object is to begin somewhere!

Here is a list of items to start your check up and $pring cleaning.

1. Know how much income is coming in monthly & how much is going out in expenses monthly? Design a budget you can live with.

2. Evaluate insurances - you should do this every 6 months to see if you can save extra money there!

3. Take a check up of your debt and get on a program to pay down and eventually eliminate debt.

4. Use any extra money to start an emergency fund and beef up retirement savings. The goal is to automate your savings.

5. Give - show someone else how to do their $pring Cleaning by sharing the solutions that worked for you!

The overall goal for the $pring Cleaning is to make, save and accumulate more money over time. Think about this, if money weren't an issue, what would you do differently?

Mine is simply not having to work for money, but making money work hard for me. To leave a legacy for the next generation of a wealthy mindset. The only way to do that is to educate yourself on how money works by first knowing where it's going every month. Debt freedom with a positive monthly cash flow is the name of the game. Being able to do the things you want to do where money is not an issue - fund your goals and dreams, enjoying a better quality of life with your family, giving to your favorite charities or even starting a charity, building foundations, funding missions around the world, and answering a "call" without hesitation!

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About the Author

Rose Lewis, Primerica Financial Services
101 N. Plains Industrial Rd
Wallingford, CT 06492

Contact Author: request info

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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