Forex....Implementing Modern Portfolio Theory Though Currency Trading
By John Dade
FOREX… Implementing Modern Portfolio Theory With Currency Trading
You could poll a hundred investment advisors and market gurus and come up with 100 different opinions as to why the markets are where they are or doing what their doing and when it’s going to “change”. The bottom line is…you can’t change what the markets are doing, or predict where the economy is heading or change any of the dynamics. So as an investor you have two choices. You can fret and worry and pace the floor about it…or worse yet…try to “over analyze it” and end up with analysis paralysis…and do nothing. Or…you can find a way to profit from it.
This is where I believe Forex fits in well. You see…I look at Forex (FOReign Exchange) the Currency market as a “want -vs. -need” type of market. Here’s why. Investors may want to buy stocks…or want to buy bonds…or Real Estate or any number of “traditional” assets.
But…when times are tough…or funds are tight or uncertain, then they just don’t have to buy…so the markets react accordingly.
Now with Forex, despite the economic conditions around the globe…Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia or the USA…major banks, multi-national corporations, AND countries…need to exchange theircurrencies to do their commerce. Period! And, as long as those currencies move (change value) in relation to each other there is opportunity to pursue that price action. Now there are risks in any and all investments and there’s risk in Forex as well, so every investor should do their due diligence before investing, as they would with any other opportunity, then decide if it’s is right for their investment style.
As with any investment that investors may look into, do your research, get the facts, ask questions and do your homework. I believe that once any savvy investor follows this process, that Forex will find a spot in their overall investment portfolio diversification plan.
About the Author
| John Dade, Forex Global Trading, LLC Anaheim, CA 92805 800-973-6808
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